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学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness - Home




学校安全 & Emergency Preparedness

5250 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal

(562) 997-8006

Area 电话
School Emergencies - 学校安全-Related Calls for Service 562-997-8101
Medical Emergencies 拨打911
Non-Emergency - 学校安全 Information 562-997-8006
学校安全 Communications Center (24/7) 562-997-8101
学校安全 Administration Office 562-997-8006
菠菜网lol正规平台 我的员工dentification Badge (ID Badge) 562-997-8205
Non-Emergency - Emergency Preparedness 562-997-8338
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - When Activated 562-961-8600

The 学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness Division is entrusted by the 教育委员会 with the responsibility to maintain a safe and secure environment for students, 教师, and district personnel in the 长滩 Unified School District.

The 学校安全 Division provides service to the school community 24 hours/7 days a week under the direction of the Chief of 学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness. Division personnel are available to respond to many types of calls for service to maintain order and discipline, locate missing students, investigate violations of school board policies, detain students violating the law or school board policies on school property and school-sponsored events, and respond to emergencies.

During an emergency, the 学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness Division will activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to an appropriate level to facilitate the district’s emergency response. In a moment’s notice, Division personnel would staff the EOC to monitor the situation and identify other departments and resources needed to perform essential functions. Key decision makers and representatives from District departments would report to the EOC and work together to restore a safe and secure educational environment for our students and schools.

学校安全 & Emergency Preparedness - Administration

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
托马斯·W. 西克曼 (562) 997-8446
(562) 961-7257传真
Chief of 学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness
卡梅伦·史密斯 (562) 997-8340
(562) 961-7257传真
Assistant Chief of 学校安全 and Emergency Preparedness
Rustum Bacho (562) 997-8338
(562) 961-7257传真
学校安全 Operations Manager

学校安全 Supervisors

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
迈克尔•摩根 (562) 997-8101
(562) 961-7257传真
学校安全 Supervisor
旧金山古斯曼 (562) 997-8101
(562) 961-7257传真
学校安全 Supervisor
斯蒂芬·冈 (562) 997-8101
(562) 961-7257传真
学校安全 Supervisor
杰弗里·伍德乐夫 (562) 997-8101
(562) 961-7257传真
学校安全 Supervisor

学校安全 & Emergency Preparedness - 工作人员

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
Lissa Kukahiko (562) 997-8006
(562) 961-7257传真
Administrative Secretary
桑德拉•米勒 (562) 997-8205 Intermediate Office Assistant
恩典脸红 (562) 997-8336 Intermediate Office Assistant